Monday, November 30, 2009
Just came back from kuala lumpur very tired going to sleep bb
Blogged at 8:58 AM
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Today was awfully boring i woke up at 8am and i straight away on the computer.i used it until 11am and i started to cook my lunch.I finsihed eating at about 12pm and than i continused to use my com until 5.30pm.i was playing wolfteam the whole day and i ranked up 1 time only.i have to go bye bye.
Blogged at 8:48 PM
Monday, November 9, 2009
Councilor Camp day 2 and 3!
Hi again So sian have nothing to do i just cant remember what i did in day 2 except for the bbq and the talent night.The bbq was not going so well as most of the chicken wings were not cook properly and it was raw.On talent night it was so fun my group was doing the Ipod human and it was like nigahiga but except for changes to the songs. we did very well except for the order of the money and we got screwed.
When we slept,it was so peaceful. Thank god that Mao Seng did not kick Jeremy and I. The next day we woke up and pack up the classroom and we ran 16 rounds around the netball court as a punishment for being late(the girl's fault for tying hair too long). After eating, we did reflection and then the ex-co announce the best group. Both Mao Seng and my group had a tie. We won by luck playing the game 'scissors, paper, stone'.
End of the day, we had our handphone back
Blogged at 5:43 PM